Pre requisites

Before you can start coding and generating code with the framework, this is the list of prerequisites.

The framework was built with C# and Ruby, the framework generates code for  Asp.Net MVC 5 applications, it generates models, repositores, controllers and views, but most important is how the code is generated, to generate the code, the framework uses templates so it's  easy  to modify them and suit your needs.

These are the libraries used by the code generated by the RAW framework.

  • IIS Express
  • Ruby 2+ 32bit, also compatible with Ruby 1.9.2
  • rawinit gem, if you don't have it already, install it typing
    gem install rawinit 
  • rawf gem, if you don't have it already, install it typing
    gem install rawf 
  • Nokogiri gem, if you don't have it already, install it typing
    gem install nokogiri 
    If you have problems installing nokigiri, it's very likely that you have a buggy gem version, update your gems and try again.
  • Jasmine, if you don't have it already, install it typing
    gem install jasmine 
  • Growl to continuously check the status of the unit tests)