
The RAW framework was developed with the Database First approach in mind, we encourage a good and clean design of the database, we think that the code first approach is good for quick creation of prototypes but not well suited for existing applications, applications that require complex schemas and most important, code first approach wastes DB computational power and features. 
Continuously testing is also part of the framework, any change performed and saved in the code automatically runs all the unit tests and automatically deploys the new version to IIS Express, if you need more control to debug the code you can run the website directly from visual studio.

The framework was built with C# and Ruby, the framework generates code for  Asp.Net MVC 5 applications, it generates models, repositores, controllers and views, but most important is how the code is generated, to generate the code, the framework uses templates so it's  easy  to modify them and suit your needs.

These are the libraries used by the code generated by the RAW framework.
